Sunday | November 19, 2023
Teenagers and young adults can face unique challenges in their age group. There may be pressure to fit in with peers, a desire for independence, and then there’s always the pursuit of “what’s next?” For youth who lack opportunity due to an unstable home life or financial hardship, it’s even more daunting.
That’s where our Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Youth Program comes in.
Serving 16 – 24-year-olds in Austin-Travis County, it’s a multi-faceted support approach with educational opportunities, career readiness, and employability development. In partnership with Workforce Solutions Capital Area, we make it our mission to prepare young people for success in the classroom, on the job, and in life.
Here are three ways this program empowers youth in our community.
Whether the goal is to stay in school or return to school, WIOA participants can get the educational opportunities they need to succeed.
Possibilities for participants:
When a WIOA participant can easily fill in the blank on this sentence—“When I grow up, I want to be a ______”—the Goodwill Career & Technical Academy is a natural choice. (Age requirements range by course). Students can choose from a multitude of accelerated training courses in industries like healthcare, IT, and skilled trades and learn the skills they need to earn a career certification.
Getting your foot in the door can be hard at any age, but it’s especially challenging for young people who are new to seeking employment. All WIOA participants pair up with a Career Case Manager who facilitates career exploration, job-readiness training, job search assistance, resume writing, and job interview workshops. Participants can also take advantage of paid internships thanks to our network of supportive employer partners in Central Texas.
If you or someone you know is interested in participating in our WIOA Youth Program, there’s a virtual orientation session every Monday at 1PM. To RSVP, click here or call 512.748.5574. You can also email