Saturday | November 2, 2024
Join us for our Donation Pop-up and Sustainability Showcase @ ECO Fest on Saturday Nov 02 2024 at Bartholomew District Park!
What is trash to you is a potential valuable to a neighbor. Please bring clothes, shoes, accessories, housewares, toys, and small appliances. Come and learn how Goodwill Central Texas helps reuse what would otherwise end up in a landfill!
ECO Fest is a gardening and tree planting event, climate action fair, eco-expo, bike clinic, a play ‘n learn kids’ event, and so much more… all in ONE place!
Check out the agenda and RSVP for a comprehensive list of activities for all ages open to everyone in Austin and beyond! Let’s come together to celebrate our roots in nature and spread our wings towards a greener future. Don’t miss out on this exciting event!
Bartholomew District Park
5201 Berkman Drive Austin, TX 78723