“Goodwill gave me a really nice hand-up and helped me start again.”
Homeless and unable to find work in Houston, Marlon was determined to break the bleakness and get out of his situation. He decided to relocate to Austin in hopes of finding opportunity. And his decision paid off. While staying at a Salvation Army shelter, he was referred to Goodwill Central Texas (Goodwill). After completing Career Advancement Training (CAT) through Goodwill Workforce Advancement — an immersive five-day “boot camp” for career planning, goal setting, resume writing, computer training, interviewing — Marlon was placed in a building maintenance position at the Austin Public Library by GSG Talent Solutions, our internal staffing agency.
But, that was only the beginning of his career journey. Thanks to the skills he acquired through CAT and the ongoing support of the Goodwill and GSG Teams, Marlon now works in event security and has a custodial position at Capital Metro. He happily reports that he also has his own apartment! Although it was ultimately Marlon’s drive and commitment that connected him to employment, he’s quick to give the GSG Support Staff credit. “I wouldn’t have gotten any of this assistance if it wasn’t for GSG. They worked hard on my case and did everything they could to help. They stuck with me and genuinely cared.” Seemingly basic things, like toiletries and work boots that one might often take for granted, were provided to Marlon so he would be successful in his new job; and the Goodwill Team helped him secure a driver’s license and a copy of his birth certificate when he wasn’t sure where to start. To this day, the thankfulness resonates in his voice. “Goodwill gave me a really nice hand-up and helped me start again.”
Today, Marlon feels optimistic about his future. “I’m good now. There’s nothing I can’t handle.” He plans to attend Austin Community College to continue his education and work towards a career in construction management.
“Goodwill assisted me, and I appreciate it. I came to Austin not knowing anybody, but Goodwill helped me.”